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PioneerBanner with text tiny v2.jpg - 58216 Bytes
Here's the list:
Photograph Identity
Great_Lakes_Gold-53.JPG - 22173 Bytes The Great Lakes Chorus 1953
First Chorus Champion in the society.
Grand Rapids, Michigan
HarmonyWeekProclamation-Cobo1953.gif - 51919 Bytes Proclimation declaring Harmony Week
City of Detroit
Declared by Albert E. Cobo, Mayor of Detroit
Auto_Towners_Gold.jpg - 22963 Bytes The Auto Towners
1966 Gold Medal Champions
L-R, Carl Dahlke, bass; Clint Bostick, baritone; Al Rhekop, tenor; Glen VanTassell, lead
Carroll_Adams.JPG - 7145 Bytes Carroll Adams
Society President in 1941-42
National Secretary (equivalent to CEO now) beginning in 1942
Pioneer District Hall of Fame 1974
Roger_Lewis.JPG - 2425 Bytes Roger Lewis
Society Hall of Fame 2009
Society President 2002-2003
Acting Society CEO 2005 April-July
Pioneer District Hall of Fame 1996
Gentlemen's_Agreement.JPG - 12891 Bytes The Gentlemen's Agreement
1971 Gold Medal Champions
L-R, Bob Whitledge, bass; Al Rhekop, tenor, Draton Justice, lead; Glenn Van Tassell, baritone
Frontier Gold.jpg - 27710 Bytes Frontier
2018 Next Generation Varsity Gold Medal Champions
L-R, Chris Cordle, tenor; Cody Harrell, bass; Aaron Pollard, lead; Brandon Smith, baritone
Harmony_Halls.jpg - 18084 Bytes The Harmony Halls
1944 Gold Medal Champions
Tenor, Ed Gaikema; Lead, Bob Hazenburg; Baritone, Ray Hall; Bass, Gordon Hall
International_Poster_1981.jpg - 21402 Bytes Poster from the 1981 International Convention in Detroit.
Book-Cadillac.JPG - 13066 Bytes Book Cadillac Hotel
June 8, 1940
The Detroit #1 Chapter held the Society's first "Parade of Quartets
Continues to this day as Society's longest running yearly show"
Landino_Trophy.JPG - 33453 Bytes Ben Landino
Member of the Grosse Pointe Chapter
Created the first International Quartet Championship Traveling Trophy
Power_Play_00.jpg - 33414 Bytes Power Play
2003 Gold Medal Quartet
Mark Slamka, Baritone; Don Slamka, Tenor; Mike Slamka, Lead; Jack Slamka, Bass
resistarrest.jpg - 9342 Bytes Resisting-A-Rest
2010 Senior Quartet Champions
tenor, Bruce LaMarte; lead, Tom Connor; bass, Phil Hanes; baritone, Steve Warnaar
GlennVanTassel.jpg - 3118 Bytes Glenn Van Tassell
First man to win a quartet gold medal in two different quartets singing different voice parts.
Glenn sang Lead in the 1966 Auto Towners and Baritone in the 1971 Gentlemen's Agreement.
Member_Certificate.jpg - 40254 Bytes Original style Membership Certificate of Art Schulze.
Detroit #1 chapter
Signed by O.C. Cash in those days!
Michigan_District_Logo.gif - 821059 Bytes Michigan District Logo
District name changed to the Pioneer District in 1968.
Willis_Diekema.JPG - 2764 Bytes Bill Diekema
Holland Chapter member
Composer of Keep America Singing, (later changed to Keep the Whole World Sing to reflect our international makeup.)